When summer finally came and decided to stay awhile, it unpacked its suitcase! It is so hot here in NC, in a sweltering way.
Katie loved summer: splashing in a kiddie pool, chasing butterflies, drawing a hopscotch, helping in Nana's flower garden, rolling in the green grass with her little sis.
Above is a drawing of Summer from Katie's viewpoint. Also, I wanted to share another poem; it is long but tells our story...
Summer DaySummer day, life is lovely
We’re going to see the ocean
Bags are packed, gather the family
Let’s put this dream in motion
But wait . . . just a quick stop
At the doctor’s for a test
Our four-year-old has been sick
So let’s put our fears to rest
No wait . . . what did the doctor say
Did she just say “cancer”
We have to go to the hospital now
That’s where we’ll find an answer
Oh wait . . . what about our trip
What about our hopes and dreams
We’re just a normal family of four
Now it’s falling apart at the seams
Autumn day, life is busy
We’re going to the 7th floor playroom
Hospital days are long and tiring
Surgery’s over, now it’s chemo
But wait . . . just a quick prayer
Please make my baby well soon
Lord, you can heal a little girl
You hung the stars and the moon
No wait . . . I won’t beg You
But could You give it to me instead
Why is she the one who’s sick
It should be me in that bed
Oh wait . . . I’ve got to be strong
Just half as brave as she
Look at her playing “doctor”
She’s as amazing as can be
Winter day, life is precious
Look at all the gifts
Never seen so many presents
We made everyone’s Christmas list
But wait . . . the best gift of all
Is seeing her smile and play
And loving everybody so much
Growing stronger every day
No wait . . . oh please not again
We’ll face this trial together
And just like the time before
We pray she will get better
Oh wait . . . things are looking good
So much to look forward to
She’s going to kindergarten
She’ll be a school girl soon
Spring day, life is crazy
We finally saw the ocean
Wishes really can come true
Love is the magic potion
But wait . . . something else is wrong
Her little body is tired
Chemo’s done both good and bad
Dialysis will help for awhile
No wait . . . look at her pretty face
She wants to laugh & draw & play
Someone who is so full of life
Just can’t be in any pain
Oh wait . . . she makes everyone smile
Full of love & joy & grace
Sweetest heart I ever knew
Beautiful angel face
Summer day, life is painful
We had to let her go
The angel came and it was over
Most heartbreaking hurt I know
But wait . . . I’m not ready to say
Good-bye to my little one
Lord, You know that I can’t live
Another day, I can’t go on
No wait . . . You said You’d comfort me
Give me peace to face tomorrow
And to serve her memory well
To live beyond the sorrow
Oh wait . . . isn’t that her spirit
That lives inside us still
She gave more in seven years
Than many of us ever will
Summer day, life is lovely...
for katie by mom~~~