Katie says "TA DA" at age 14 months. Way before the word "neuroblastoma" became a part of our daily vocab. Below is a song that I wrote for her back then; she would get a kick out of it when I sang it to her...
When Katie Smiles
When Katie smiles
The whole world smiles it seems.
I love to see her eyes
When she wakes up from a dream.
When Katie sings
The whole world sings along,
And nothing is sweeter
Than my baby’s song.
When Katie smiles . . .
When Katie loves,
She loves with all her heart;
I knew that from the moment
They laid her in my arms.
When Katie laughs,
It’s heard all around the world,
And nothing’s more precious
Than my little girl.
When Katie loves . . .
When Katie smiles . . .
for katie by mom