Artwork by Katie... she enjoyed springtime and she loved flowers.
The poem below was written in March of '99.
I can’t hold your little hand
Or kiss your pretty face
I can’t pat you on your back
Or hug you everyday
I can’t watch you while you sleep
And wonder what you dream
I can’t see you wake up smiling
Oh so mischievously
But God can . . .
I don’t help you tie your shoes
Or button your coat for you
I don’t make your buttered toast
Or pour your Mt. Dew
I don’t take you to kindergarten
Or praise your latest artwork
I don’t make your boo-boos better
Or kiss away your hurt
But God does . . .
I won’t see you graduate
Or go to the high school prom
I won’t see you drive a car
Go to college, or get a job
I won’t see you as a young lady
With a family of your own
I won’t know how you’ll look
When you are all grown
But God will . . .
for katie by mom