Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Puppy From A Different Time

Sissy and Kate-Kate snuggle with a pup named Casey

"Not the least hard thing to bear when they go from us, these quiet friends, is that they carry away with them so many years of our lives. Yet, if they find warmth therein, who would begrudge them those years that they have so guarded? And whatever they take, be sure they have deserved."

John Galsworthy


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

She is Katie's Puppy Now

In August of 2000, we went to the flea market to buy a puppy. We came home with the sweetest one there - a miniature schnauzer that we named Ashley.

Nine years of being a faithful companion and friend. Sometimes it felt like she was my ONLY friend. Adorable and full of unconditional love, that was our girl.

Today the vet said that there was nothing that she could do. Ashley was sick and needed an operation. If they could get her fever down, they would do the surgery. It was not to be and we had to let her go.

I looked right into her sweet little eyes, holding her face in my hands. I said, "When you get to heaven, ask for Katie, age 7. She is waiting for you. The Lord wants you to be her doggie now."

Thank you God for the years we had with our Ashley, otherwise know as Tap Dancer or Grunting Girl.

You will be missed by all of us...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kite Flying

Artwork by Katie

Thorns and stings
And those such things
Just make stronger
Our angel wings.
~Terri Guillemets