Katie - April 17, 1998 (age 7)
Happy Birthday Angel Daughter!
Seventeen Candles
No cake, no party hats
We won’t be having any of that
No new dress or high heel shoes
I won’t be wrapping presents for you
It’s just me and your photographs
Looking at pictures of birthdays past
Here’s you with grandma and sissy too
Oh your big bright smile lit up the room
Here’s one with nana & pa and daddy & me
I’m smiling through my tears and memories
Missing you like it was yesterday
When the angel came and took you away
Heartbreak overwhelms like a tidal wave
It’s not fair that I can’t say happy birthday
Seventeen candles
Lit up for you
You’re not here to make a wish
They’ve all come true
Up there in heaven
It’s joyful everyday
But we’re still down here
Just marking off the days
Until that wish comes true
We will light seventeen candles for you
Ten years have gone so fast
Sometimes I feel I’m still in the past
Remember your new bike and Barbie car
Your little stuffed lion that you called a dog
We could have a party in a hospital room
And be just as thrilled as the man in the moon
So many happy days and so much bliss
Oh how I long for you on days like this
My mind takes a trip in time to visit you
Need your strength and courage, what do I do
Praying for the heartache to fade for awhile
I close my eyes and can still see your smile
Then I look up at the stars and they seem to say
Angels are there to wish you happy birthday
Seventeen candles
Lit up in the sky
You’re in heaven, child
The stars shine tonight
Down here on earth
We miss you everyday
But you’re up there
Just counting down the days
Until that prayer comes true
Heaven shines seventeen candles for you
a song for katie by mommy
Dear Jesus, please tell Katie "happy birthday" from her mom
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