Sissy & Kate-Kate (proudly posing with the Alan Jackson poster)
Sometimes God puts us in the right place at the right time in order to teach us a lesson. More often than not, it is a very simple set of circumstances ...
Yesterday, Shannon and I went shopping as part of our Girls Day Out. We were in the Treasure Mart, and I noticed that country music was playing over the intercom. As you may have read on a previous post, country music makes me very sad, so I was doing my best to ignore it.
Then I heard an unmistakeable voice - Alan Jackson. He was Katie's all-time favorite singer and her hero. The song they were playing was slow and sad; I didn't recognize it but caught some lyrics about heaven and angels. Needless to say, the song was on my mind the rest of the day.
I finally got the nerve to consult my "friend" Google to learn about the song I heard over the intercom. It is called "Sissy's Song" and Alan Jackson wrote it for a housekeeper who died suddenly.
What gets me most about this song is that Sissy is the name that Katie gave to her sister. We still call her this nickname to this day. Shannon's nickname for Katie was Kate-Kate (or often Meanie, depending on what was happening at the time.)
It's funny how a coincidence like this can make us feel like Someone in heaven is looking down with compassion and sending a tiny bit of comfort our way...
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